Shawcable Webmail
Only the email submission system works with Shawcable's webmail service. You cannot cut and paste spam into the SpamCop reporting form.
To successfully use the email submission system, you must first display the full headers of the spam you are forwarding.
- Log into the Shaw webmail service
- Open/view the mail
- On the right side opposite the "from" address you will see a triangle/arrow. Click that to display full headers
- Click on the "Forward" button
- A new blank composition message will open with the original spam showing as an "attachment"
- Send this new email to your spam submission address shown on your SpamCop page.
In a few minutes you will receive a response back from SpamCop to your SpamCop registered address, with links to complete the reporting. Alternatively, you can watch for the "Unreported Spam" link on your main SpamCop page to take you to outstanding reports.
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